For the love of rabbits

I really like layering stamps and solid images so that is what I usually go for. Then sometimes there are adorable images that scream to be colored, I do not have that many but sometimes I cannot resist, especially if there are rabbits! I LOVE rabbits.

I bought The bunny's hop by Mama Elephant last year, I had resisted buying this set ever since it came out and could not hold out any more...  I never used the image last year though because it obviously needs coloring and frankly, that seemed just too daunting!

Anyhow I had a go over the weekend and this is the result:

The watercoloring on my card is not very good, I realize that, but I still decided to post because you have to start somewhere, right? 

I think this will become a birthday card for a little girl I love dearly, I will leave the image as is and stamp a birthday greeting on the inside. I hope she'll like it.

If you want to find out more about my rabbit collection, read this post.

Stay home, stay safe!


  1. thank you for your kind comment on my blog!! your card is darling. I have a similar stamp but never can get the coloring to come out right. I think I was going too dark, Your paler colors mixed with a few darker ones work beautifully.

  2. Helen, it is such a sweet image and I hear you...coloring is hard but you did a great job! Keep at it!


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